Report: Two Top WWE Stars Rumored To Be Switching Brands is reporting that the decision to hold the 2011 WWE draft next week was done largely due in part to Edge’s retirement, which has left a top baby face hole on Smackdown.

WWE officials have discussed the idea moving Alberto Del Rio to the Raw brand as World Heavyweight Champion, with The Miz being moved to Raw as the WWE Champion. At this time, creative has penciled in Alberto Del Rio vs John Cena at SummerSlam this year, so moving Del Rio to Raw could then setup the World Title match between him and Cena at the SummerSlam PPV.

Of course plans are constantly changing, but it is being said at this time that the entire WWE mid-card is under consideration for brand shuffling, with names like Cody Rhodes, Drew McIntyre, Jack Swagger, Nexus, The Corre and R-Truth all being potential draft candidates.