(Spoilers) Complete WWE Raw Taping Results For Tonight

Report courtesy of Daniel McGrath and ProWrestling.net …

WWE Raw Tapings

Jerry “The King” Lawler and Jim Ross entered to a huge ovation. Michael Cole was booed by everyone, even event staff, and quickly ran to the Cole Mine.

R-Truth was out first. He got boos at first, but the crowd lightened up and listened to what he had to say. He said he was going to leave Extreme Rules and would be a fighting champion. John Morrison interrupted and said Truth had lady luck on his side and that he was helped by Nexus and Alex Riley last week. He made a crack about Truth being a smoker and Truth said Morrison was just trying to take his championship opportunity away. Morrison said he wanted to challenge Truth because it was his last chance before the draft next week…

1. John Morrison defeated R-Truth. Morrison won with Starship Pain. Post-match, Truth attacked Morrison at ringside. He hit him with a water bottle and then hit the Lie Detector. Drew great heat from the live crowd. Truth stole a cigarette from a fan and started smoking it as the fans chanted, “That’s illegal.”

2. Dolph Ziggler (w/Vickie Guerrero) defeated Evan Bourne. Vickie was booed so loud you couldn’t hear her introduce Ziggler. He seems to have gotten a haircut. Ziggler won after hitting the Zig Zag on Bourne after Bourne landed on his feet from a Shooting Star Press attempt. Very impressive!

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An Edge tribute video played. Alberto Del Rio will hold a retirement party for Edge on Smackdown.

Miz was out next and cut a promo. He confirmed that it would be Morrison instead of Truth in the Triple Threat Match at Extreme Rules and then added that it would be a cage match. Miz sat in the center of the ring and said London sucked and told them all to be quite while he waited for the GM. Sin Cara came out and interrupted Miz. Cena came out to serious boos, even from the little kids, and the GM booked Cena and Sin Cara vs. Miz and Alex Riley.

3. John Cena and Sin Cara defeated Alex Riley and The Miz. Ending came when Cena hit the AA on Riley as Miz left. Sin Cara also hit a move from the top rope, but I couldn’t really see what it was.

Edge is advertised for Smackdown tapings tomorrow night. Eve vs. Nikki Bella is next, but half the crowd is going to the bathroom and I’m going for beer.

4. Eve defeated Nikki Bella via rollup. Eve wins the right to a rematch with Brie if she is still on Raw after the draft. I thought it was a crossbrand title? Cole interrupted the celebration and said he would be knighted next.

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Cole introduced his “friend” Jack Swagger, who got no response from the crowd. Swagger gave a speech and introduced the queen. The fake queen made her entrance. It looked like her for a minute, but when we realized it wasn’t her, she got serious heat. Cole kissed the queen and said he was now “Sir” Michael Cole. He said we were all his peasants and Lawler and JR should kiss his feet. Cole took out his “manly” foot. Lawler tried to attack, but Swagger took him out. Cole brought JR into the ring. Swagger forced JR to kiss Cole’s “manly” foot.

Sheamus was out next to face Santino. The crowd is super-hot for Santino. Sheamus said the last time they faced each other in England, Santino embarrassed him so he wanted his last chance at revenge before the draft.

5. Sheamus defeated Santino Marella. Santino went for the Cobra but stumbled. Sheamus won with the brough kick.

6. Randy Orton defeated C.M. Punk Crowd was 50/50. Lots of back and forth action between the men with Orton getting several near falls. A lot of cool spots too including a GTS reversed into an RKP reversed into a kick to the head. Orton wins with a schoolboy rollup. Nexus ran out and beat down Orton. Mason Ryan destroyed Orton and shoved David Otunga and Mike McGillicutty. He setup for a punt kick on Orton, but Punk calmed him down. Punk tries for the punt kick, but Orton hit an RKO and ran up the ramp to end the show.

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Dark Match Main Event

John Cena and Randy Orton defeated C.M. Punk and The Miz Cena and Orton hit their finishers at the same time on the heels to send the crowd home happy.

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