Mick Foley Looks Back At Edge’s Amazing WWE Career

Mick Foley wrote a very lengthy and very good blog remembering Edge’s career and the type of impact Edge made on the wrestling business.  The following is an excerpt from Foley’s blog:

"I had no doubt at the time, 2006, that Edge was the number one wrestler in the business. I think one could put up an argument that he was the number one wrestler for a period of time during any one of a number of years. His matches with the top WWE stars of his era – The Undertaker, Triple H, Rey Mysterio, Randy Orton, John Cena, etc. etc. – are the stuff of legend. If there is any weakness to an argument for Edge, it is that he did amazing matches with such regularity that I’m not sure fans could completely appreciate just how amazing they were. Following my Mania match with Edge, I spent a LONG time in bed, caught a late flight, and made it home just in time to see Edge on Raw, stealing the show again – less than 24 hours after stealing the biggest show of the year.

I don’t know if there will ever be a consensus on who the best wrestler or worker of that era (call it 2003-2011, starting and ending with the neck injury) is or was. I once said I could make a good argument for Shawn Michaels – and I can. I think I could make a pretty good argument for Kurt Angle. Based on big money matches, some might say Triple H. For pure wrestling, maybe AJ Styles or Samoa Joe, or any number of Japanese stars who have flown beneath the mainstream radar.

But look at the other attributes that Edge brought to the table. A willingness to fully immerse himself in every storyline – to make people believe, or at least to believe that he believed. He embraced the ridiculous. He loved the emotional. He thrived under pressure. He stood up for what he thought was best for his characters, his matches, his opponents, and the shows. As viewers, we knew that every segment he appeared in was going to be good. But more importantly, we knew that any segment with Edge had the potential be great."

Mick Foley’s Full Blog On Edge’s WWE Career>>>