Former WrestleMania Headliner Sentenced – No Jail Time

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Lawrence Taylor Sentenced — NO JAIL TIME

3/22/2011 8:42 AM PDT by TMZ Staff

Lawrence Taylor just dodged a MAJOR bullet — because he was sentenced to six years probation — with NO JAIL TIME — for sexual misconduct with an underage prostitute.

LT — who pled guilty in January to one count of patronizing a prostitute and one count of sexual misconduct — was also ordered by a judge in New York to register as a sex offender.

An order of protection was also issued — barring LT from contacting the victim until March 22, 2016.

Among the terms of his sentence, the judge ruled LT is allowed to pick up his kids at school … must be at his home between the hours of 1AM and 5AM … and he can’t visit any porn shops or strip bars.

LT was also warned that he may not purchase a firearm or pick up a hitch hiker while on probation.


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