See Justin LaBar every week on the Chair Shot Reality

The January classic that kicks off the road to WrestleMania is about to change! The famous match of 30 guys getting into the ring fighting for a main event spot is changing.

I got a few phone calls and texts from sources that the Royal Rumble battle royal match will feature 40 superstars. You heard it here first!

After I first posted this story, WWE’s Joey Styles tweeted it which should confirm what my sources told me.

This doesn’t change the pool of who is going to win! You still remain with the same handful of guys who are likely choices to be in the main event of WrestleMania.

This does give 10 more guys some face time in one of the most anticipated matches of the year! This is a chance for more character exposure and more feuds to potentially be spawned out of the match.

I feel like this move is long overdue. I mean in 1996 WCW had 3 rings with 60 guys.

In 2001, WWE became the only big game in town after the purchase of WCW and had over 60 guys on the roster. I mean come on, 30 was fine in 1988, but its time to go bigger.

Steel cage went to Hell In A Cell…..Ladder match went to TLC…..Royal Rumble should have more guys!

With the amount of interaction the WWE main roster is having with the FCW roster, I think this would be a great to see some of them in the ring. They come up and down now with NXT, many like Alex Riley still compete in FCW, they are the future of the company. This would be a great precedent to have the guys who are working the hardest to earn a chance to be in the ring for a few minutes on one of the biggest shows of the year.

I mean think about this……you start the precedent this year with having 40 guys in the Rumble and toss a FCW guy or two in the match. In the future this leaves the door open for an easy way to bring someone to the main roster to make an impact. Imagine if you see the guys the final superstars left in the ring after all 40 have come out and in the ring is Orton, Cena, Edge, Sheamus and then a guy like Mason Ryan, who everyone is dubbing as the next Batista.

This is right on pace with the youth movement the WWE is engaged in right now.

I am excited to be in Boston with the Chair Shot Reality to see this if it indeed happens!

Speaking of the Chair Shot Reality…..you can catch me on it every week only on Wrestlezone. This week I will have more in this story!

Email me at justin.labar@yahoo.com and follow me JustinLaBar on Twitter!