TNA House Show Results (1/14): Reading, Pennsylvania

TNA Live Event (Reading, Pa.)

Report by Kelvin Torres from Sinking Spring, Pa. and

1. Kazarian defeated Robbie E. and Brian Kendrick in a three-way dance for the X-Division Title.

2. Madison Rayne defeated Mickie James in a Knockouts title match. Earl Hebner came out but didn’t get booed with “you screwed Bret” chants, but he took off his referee shirt and revealed his “damn right I did” shirt anyways.

3. Abyss defeated Doug Williams in a TV title match.

4. The Motor City Machine Guns defeated Generation Me in an awesome tag match.


5. Samoa Joe defeated The Pope in a very good match. I don’t really like the storyline these two have on TV, but they work well together in the ring.

6. Mr. Anderson defeated Jeff Jarrett in a TNA heavyweight Title match with Kurt Angle as special referee. Good match.

Notes: Attendance was pretty much the same or more than last year (approximately 1,100 to 1,200, which is good for TNA since every time WWE comes to town, the crowd seems to be smaller and smaller. Awesome show as always.