TNA Genesis Results – January 9, 2011


Ric Flair is being interviewed by Christy Hemme backstage along with Beer Money. They head to the ring for their tag team title match. Hemme is left speaking to Eric Bischoff and Kazarian. Bischoff announces that Abyss is challenging Douglas Williams for the TNA TV Title. Bischoff continues that he will not yet reveal Rob Van Damm’s opponent. A video is played for the upcoming tag title match.

TNA Tag Title Match
Beer Money vs. The Motor City Machine Guns

Both The Motor City Machine Guns and Beer Money make their way to the ring as their music blares in the arena and the crowd roars. Both tag teams play up to the crowd as the match is officially announced. The bell rings and the match begins. Beer Money takes an early lead working on Alex Shelley of The Motor City Machine Guns. Chris Sabin is in his corner slamming on the turnbuckle trying to get the crowd involved in the match. Robert Roode and James Storm are able to get a double suplex and then follow up by doing their Beer Money dance. Sabin is able to tag in Shelley who comes in pumped up and delivers several heels. The Motor City Machine Guns perform a double team move and Shelley is able to DDT Roode, then attempts a cover. Storm breaks the cover just in time. Sabin goes for a tornado DDT off the ropes, Roode counters with a great northern lights suplex. Beer Money is able to hit their finisher to no avail as Sabin kicks out before the three count. Sabin unintentionally kicks Shelley in the corner of the ring and Roode quickly jumps in and rolls Sabin up for the pin and the win.

Winner: Beer Money


Devon is being interviewed backstage by Hemme. The fans can still be heard in the background chanting "Motor City" from the arena. Devon hypes his upcoming match and as he ends his rant he exclaims "oh my brother…" and finishes by saying "testify!" as the video package for the match is aired.

continued on page four…


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