Breaking Update: WZ Readers Witness John Cena Injury

Several WZ readers have sent in the following update to an earlier story posted by WZ’s Steve Carrier:

Sent from 570: "I was at a wwe raw house show tonight in Wilkes-Barre, PA. In the main event cena vs barret in a cage. Cena jumped from the cage and tweeked his leg."

Sent from Dave: "Just thought I would let you know John Cena got hurt tonight in the house show in Wilkes Barre PA. He and Wade Barrett were in a cage match and Cena seemed to have had a leg injury while being slammed down by Barrett. Barrett went to the cage to escape and was over the top before Cena limped over and grabbed his leg. Barrett came back into the ring and you could tell Cena was injured, conversation between the two was audible and the ref called for the trainers. Cena then gave a weak submission move and won. After the match Cena got the microphone and said " sorry about tonight, I seemed to not have it all, if I dont wrestle for a long time after tonite I sure as hell ain’t getting carried out of this ring" he then wished everyone a happy new year and started his 10 minute limp out of the ring and back to the locker room."

WZ will continue to update you on what seems to be a late breaking story.


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