Complete TNA Impact Results (12/23): 8 Man Tag Title Match

Winner: Frankie Kazarian

Kazarian points at Lethal and tells him he’s coming for the X-Division Title.

Sarita walks into Velvet Sky’s locker room with a strap behind her back, and Velvet asks if she can help her with something, and Sarita calmly closes the door behind her and we go to commercial.

Okay, we’re back from commercial and Sarita is doing with the strap what we probably expected her to do with it. She yells at Velvet that she can’t get in her ring without Angelina and expect to fight her, but that just serves to infuriate Velvet, who fights back and rams Sarita into a wall, and then they take turns beating each other up in pretty rough fashion and ramming one another into walls, the desk, and the fight ends with Sarita choking Velvet out and telling her that she swears she’s going to kill her. Angelina finally comes to the rescue and Sarita heads for the hills.

We head to Eric Bischoff’s office and Bischoff says the pressure is on all of them tonight because Dixie Carter’s team has them in checkmate and they all know that the belts give them the power. If things don’t go their way, they need all the belts and Hulk Hogan, who is sitting at home, needs them to get the titles. It’s in their grasp and every one of them can do it because there’s nobody in this room who can’t live up to the standard that Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan have set, and that Jeff Hardy has now set. Bischoff knows that every one of them will do whatever they need to do to do it for each other because they’re a team.

Brian Kendrick is backstage talking to one of the caterers and saying that he thinks he has an extra chromosome, to which the lady responds by giving him a cookie. I’m not kidding, that’s what really happened.

Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament Finals: Madison Rayne & Tara vs Angelina Love & Velvet Sky

Angelina comes out by herself since Velvet just caught a beating from Sarita, and Madison and Tara look pretty confident about their chances. Angelina gets a quick rollup for 2 and Tara tries to come in from behind but Madison spins her around and hits a S-L-O-W forearm that Angelina just stands there and takes because she’s a nice person. Angelina with a front powerslam for 2, then a running neckbreaker for 2 and then gets a rear chinlock but Madison backs her into the corner and yanks the hair and chokes Angelina before getting another 2 count. Madison rams Angelina to her corner again and chokes her out with her boot, then tags Tara in and they both choke Angelina with the boot. Tara stomps Angelina’s head and then tosses her across the ring with one arm, so I guess the arm is still pretty tender at this point. Madison tags back in and yanks the hair…again…and does the head humping into the mat thing on Angelina, but that only gets 2. Angelina starts a comeback but Tara nails Angelina in the head with the brace on her elbow, and all of a sudden Winter comes out of the back, gets up on the apron, and Angelina tags her in. Winter goes right after Madison and takes her down, then kicks Tara low, which Tara sells for some reason, and then hits a spinning slam thing and pins Madison.


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