WWE RAW Results (12/20) – No More Nexus?

John Cena comes out and he is so thrilled because RAW is Nexus free for the first time in months. He hugs a guy wearing a "We Hate Cena" shirt, and tells Cole he is going to puke because he did the Dougie, then sings a bit. He shows some special footage from last night, and shows Barrett getting hit with chairs from a few different camera angles. He says he promised, and it took some time, but he got to each and every member of Nexus, and now he can focus on winning the Royal Rumble and going to Wrestlemania. Vickie Guerrero interrupts him and gets some serious heat, and she comes to the ring with Dolph Ziggler.

She gets interrupted six different times by boos and the fans chant you suck at her, and Cena even asked the fans to stop but they kept going. She finally gets to speak and she says he isn’t the only one who got a win last night, and the fans get right back on her and boo through everything she says. Cena rolls a clip of King making fun of her, and she says she wants an apology or Dolph will beat him up. King says he can’t help it that her bathtub has stretch marks, and he and Cena trade fat jokes until she starts screaming. Dolph starts defending her, and Cena says that’s not what he said awhile ago, then Cena makes a few more comments and Vickie slaps him. The GM email interrupts and Cole says since Vickie is threatening to have people beaten up, her boyfriend will face John Cena, right now!  

Dolph Ziggler vs John Cena 

Cena tries to lock up but Dolph kicks him in the stomach then stomps on him in the corner. Cena hits a bulldog and Dolph rolls to the apron, then walks into a fisherman’s suplex when he comes back in. He misses Dolph in the corner and gets punched a few more times then Dolph whips him into the opposite corner. He continues to punch Cena until Cena comes back with a gutwrench suplex, but Dolph kicks him in the face then tries to wear him down with a side headlock on the mat. Cena powers out and tries for the Attitude Adjustment, but Dolph reverses and hits a facebuster as we go to a break.