*Spoilers:* Complete TNA Impact Results For 12/30/10

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Results courtesy of John Benoit, Richard Trionfo and PWInsider:

TNA Impact taping results for 12/30/10:

*Rob Van Dam pinned Robbie E. Hardy appears on the screen and announces Van Dam will have to defeat an opponent of his choosing at the Genesis before he gets a match against Hardy.

*AJ Styles and Rob Terry defeated British Invasion (Douglas Williams and Magnus). AJ pinned Magnus with Chaos Theory

*Kaz comes to the ring to talk about the bounty put on the champions at Genesis and how he will become the new X Division champion beating Jay Lethal. Frankie talks about Lethal’s family and rips apart the Lethal family. He says Lethal’s skanks screwed more brothers than Katrina did. He rips on Lethal’s mother, calling her "Fugly." Lethal comes to the ring and Kazarian attacks him and leaves.

*Mick Foley joins Taz and Tenay at announce table.

*Mystery partner match: Matt Morgan and Brother Devon defeated Ken Anderson and Brother Ray. Morgan pinned Anderson after a discus clothesline to the back of the head. During the match, Gunner and Murphy go to the announce table and want Foley to leave. Foley attacks Gunner and Murphy and puts Mandible Claw on Gunner. Murphy hits Foley with a night stick and then they cuff Foley and take him to the back.