WWE Raw House Show Results: (11/28): Juan Cena Debuts

Thanks to Kevin B. for sending this in:

These are results of RAW brand house show in Salisbury MD 11/28/10. Summited by  Kevin Beauchamp

1. Mark Henry vs. Alex Riley.. Good match with Alex taking it to Henry but Alex got caught with the Powerslam. winner- Mark Henry. After Nexus jumped Mark and he was helped to the back.

2. Gold Dust vs. Jackson Andrews. Match was terrible with Gold Dust having to carry this big dude then having to job to Andrews. winner- Jackson Andrews

3.Santino and Valdimer vs. Justin Gaberial and Heath Slater. World tag team Championship match. Santino really did well with the croud and got in some good shots. Santino was my favotite of the night. Winners- Gaberial and Slater

4.Daniel Bryan vs. Ted Debiase. US Championship match. Good match with both getting the upper hand quite a few times with Bryan getting the submission causing Debiasi to tap out. Winner- Daniel Bryan

5. Alicia Fox vs. Natalia. Divas Championship match. Ok match with back in forth action with Fox tapping out to the sharpshooter. winner-Natalia

6.R Truth vs. Zack Ryder. Good match with R Truth working the croud. winner- R Truth

7. Sheamus vs. John Morrisson. Sheamus proved to be too much for Morrision. Dominated Morrison then it the broad kick Winner- Sheamus

8. The Miz vs. Wade Barrett vs. Jaun Cena. Triple theat match for the World Championship. Riely come out with Miz. Then Barrett comes out. Then John Cenas music hits. The croud went nuts but now Cena has a mask like Mexican wrestlers wear. He calls himself Jaun Cena. We all know its John.  Good match with Barrett showing some good skills. Jaun stayed in most of the match and took a pretty good beating. Miz got knocked to the floor and stayed there until Cena hit Barrett with the FU. Cena was about to pin Barrett and Reily pulled Cena out of the ring. Then Miz ran in and pinned Barrett to retain Champtionship. Winner – Miz