(Spoilers) Full WWE SmackDown! Results For This Week

WWE Smackdown taping (from Jacksonville, Fla.)

Report by Jason F. and ProWrestling.net

Smackdown opened with Kane complaining about Edge taking Paul Bearer. He said he is human, celebrates holidays, loves Thanksgiving and really needs his father back. Edge makes him say sorry, beg, and finally doesn’t give him back. Kane made a mistake during the promo which they will have to edit out before the showing.

1. Kofi Kingston beats Jack Swagger in a King of the Ring qualifier. Long match with a bunch of missed spots by Kofi. Kofi eventually hits his finisher on Swagger for the win. Afterward Swagger complained that his eagle didn’t help him enough.

2. Alberto Del Rio defeated Big Show by countout in a King of the Ring qualifier. Decently long match with Big Show chopping and slapping Del Rio for a while, before Del Rio took him down and worked on his leg. Outside the ring, Del Rio’s ring announcer held onto Big Shows foot. Show picked him up, knock out punched him, but paid no attention to the count.