Former TNA Creative Member’s Book Available For Christmas

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If you’re addicted to the wrestling business like most people I know…this book is for you. Its story after story of events and situations that have happened in the wrestling business in days gone by as I traveled by car, plane and motorcoach doing what I love doing…wrestling. Things will never be the way they were years ago but that doesn’t mean you can’t hear about them and relive them through my book, TALES FROM A DIRT ROAD.

I am pleased to announce that my second book, TALES FROM A DIRT ROAD, is expected to be available for purchase in early December just in time for Christmas. Hear that folks…just in time for Christmas. This book is the followup to my first book, THE WORLD ACCORDING TO DUTCH, that was widely received among wrestling fans and critics alike.

I want to thank everyone who purchased and read my first book and when I was putting together TALES, it was a constant reminder that my second book had to be better or exceed my first one. Seriously, I didn’t know if anyone would even bother with reading the first one let alone buy it but sales surprised me and still do. The book is still selling. If you haven’t bought yet, it should be required reading for all serious wrestling fans. If you haven’t, click on the box at the right and you can still order it.

I made this comment in a recent interview that I did promoting the release of TALES FROM A DIRT ROAD.

“After my first book, I was surprised that readers were emailing me and asking about a followup to the book. TALES FROM A DIRT ROAD is that sequel. It is a continuation of my first book. One of the main criticism of the first was that “IT ENDED”. This book picks right up where my first one stopped. Somewhere out on the DIRT ROAD.

The book takes you to Canada, to Mexico and to Germany as well as NYC and Madison Square Garden. If you thought the first book was good, I think that this one might be better. In the book, I relate some funny stories and some that are serious in nature. Some of these stories I have never told before but they’re all true. Or as true as a wrestler can make them. Believe me people…some of these stories can’t be made up. They have to be told as they happened.

I’ve been told by my editors that this book is a better read than the last one and I hope they’re right. TALES FROM THE DIRT ROAD is a 250 page plus book with chapter after chapter with you as my traveling companion as we go up and down the neverending DIRT ROAD. You asked for the sequel…this is it.”