(Spoilers) TNA Impact Taping Results For December 2nd

Next up is a Jersey fist bump showdown and JB introduces Robbie E. with Cookie. Competitor 2 in the fist bump showdown is Jay Lethal. Robbie E. gets to make his opening statement and cuts a promo about their match Sunday and then Robbie does his fist pump to his techno music. Then Jay makes his statement and says if he ever came to where Jay grew up he would get all his stuff stolen and beat up, and then he starts his fist bump, then beats up Robbie and it goes backstage. Robbie gets the upper hand to end it but at Final Resolution it gonna be Robbie E. vs. Lethal for the X title with Cookie suspended in a cage 25 feet up in the air, to avoid getting involved in the match.

Tonight’s Impact main event is Abyss and Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe and The Pope. For some reason the white casket is at ringside. It ended in a no- contest as Jarrett tried to use his guitar on Joe. Joe kicked it and broke it. Pope and Abyss fought at ringside and Pope banged into the casket and closed the lid. Suddenly out of nowhere Angle opened it from the inside and helped clear the ring of Abyss and Jarertt to end the segment, which overflowed into Reaction.