Live Impact Notes: Angle’s Money Fake, Poor Shore Response

Thanks to Michael Nowell for sending in the following:

TNA Live Impact Fan Notes from 10/7:

The Shore:

Most people in the crowd either chanted "Boring" or were simply uninterested for the most part and we could barely even hear what "The Shore" was saying. Once the fans started in with the "boring" chant Jeremy Borash and some of the production staff were running around and giving a "wrap up" signal.


The fans really seem to dig the "Assh*le" thing as they easily were drowning out the Angle fans at the beginning of the Battle Royal.

Bischoff/RVD promo:

I don’t know how this came across on television but Bischoff seemed to be in the ring the entire commercial break repeating himself about Abyss. Some guys at ringside were yelling at him "Nice Jeans Bischoff".

Dory Funk:

Was in attendance sitting near the ramp.

Angle’s money:

Some of the stacks of money appeared fake.