TNA Impact Results (10/7) – BFG Is Near, New KO Debut!

Eric Bischoff makes his way to the ring and gets right to it and tells Abyss to get out there to discuss their business. RVD comes down instead and says there is no way he is getting screwed out of fighting Abyss on Sunday. He says this something he would leave over, and he is absolutely sure of what he is saying, so Bischoff should go tell Dixie that Abyss wrestles through Sunday or they lose the Whole F’n Show.

Ink Inc. vs Orlando Jordan & Eric Young

EY is confused and tags Jesse and goes after OJ, but they straighten it out and Jesse runs into a clothesline by OJ. He follows it with a shoulderbreaker and then follows it with a wristlock. Jesse tries to fight back but OJ hits a spinebuster, then gets distracted by EY and Shannon Moore tags in and hits a moonsault for two. EY whips Shannon into OJ, who gets his elbow up and goes for the pin by using the ropes, but EY tells the ref what is going on. OJ uses this to hit a lowblow on Shannon and makes the cover.

After the bell EY shoves the ref and grabs a mic and says that he wants to forfeit the match. He says he will make some calls but he proposes that they head to Daytona and do this again this Sunday at Bound For Glory.

Winners – Orlando Jordan & Eric Young

Dixie is in the back with RVD and tells him win, lose or draw, Abyss is gone after Sunday. Bischoff comes in and says he called the lawyer, and he has a termination agreement ready to go. Dixie signs it and Bischoff leaves as he says he will fax it over, and she asks for RVD to take Abyss out. She reminds him that it is important, but he says not to worry because he has it covered.