DGUSA News: Sapolsky Blogs, Danielson Update, PPV Notes

-Check out the first in a series of blogs at The Heyman Hustle (www.HeymanHustle.com). Paul Heyman has given me a chance to put you in the shoes of an independent wrestling promoter/booker for the most important month in the history of DGUSA and EVOLVE. This blog focuses on working with Bryan Danielson, now Daniel Bryan in WWE, for one final month. Read it here: http://heymanhustle.craveonline.com/articles/news/106585-bryan-danielson

-Dragon Gate USA has the "Enter The Dragon" PPV premiere in just one week. For the complete lineup and info check the DGUSA.tv PPV section. Here is a new preview video looking at the 8 man elimination match pitting Chikara Sekigun vs. Kamikaze USA. Take a couple of minutes and check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jhb5nqx5Zy8
-The 72 hour sale at www.DGUSA.tv ends Sunday morning. This is your chance to get free DVDs and save money on Sept. 25th Chicago tickets with Bryan Danielson vs. YAMATO. This is the last time we will offer free DGUSA show double DVD sets for at least this year. Go to the DGUSA.tv main page for all the info.
-We’ll have some major news next week. We are finalizing things now. Thank you for reading and  have a great Labor Day Weekend.