WWE RAW Results (8/30) – RAW’s 900th Episode!

Bret "Hitman" Hart vs The Undertaker

Before this starts Wade Barrett interrupts and says this match is not happening. People don’t want to see legends, they want to see Nexus, and he is going to do something right now that will be unforgettable. He gets in the ring and fights with Undertaker but he gets pummeled with fists and Undertaker clotheslines him out of the ring.

The gong sounds and the lights go out, but when they come back on Kane is in the ring with Undertaker! The brothers start trading blows and Undertaker grabs Kane by the throat, then the lights go out again and Kane disappears. Nexus’ music hits and the rest of the group comes down to the ring. They surround the ring then attack as Undertaker tries to fight them off. He grabs Barrett by the throat and the lights go out once again, and Barrett has the Undertaker on his shoulders.

Barrett hits the Wasteland as Kane watches from the ramp, then they drag him to the corner and Gabriel hits the 450 splash. Undertaker tries sitting up, but he ends up falling back down in pain, and Kane laughs from the top of the entrance ramp.

Result – No Contest

Jack Swagger comes out and says everyone should hail the returning hero, because he left an All American American, but he returns to RAW as a former world champion. He knows why Johnny Damon wouldn’t want to come back to Boston (no one wants him, stay in Detroit :D) but he promises he has no problem bringing some swagger back to RAW.


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