TNA Impact Results (8/26) – EV2.0 Regroups, Flair Suspended?

Flair is backstage flipping out about what happened tonight, and he said he would be the man since day one. He says Angle, Anderson, Pope, Hardy, Dixie… Sting comes up behind him and chokes him with the bat. Sting says Fourtune has a receipt from them, and once they deal with the big problem in TNA, they will come for Flair next. 

After a No Surrender promo we see Stevie Richards and Abyss fighting backstage. Stevie is winning the fight until he gets whipped into a bunch of garbage cans, and Abyss kicks away at Stevie on the ground. He asks Stevie if he wants to end up like RVD, and says he will introduce him to Janice. Abyss picks it up and swings at Stevie but he moves, and they start to swing wildly at each other until Stevie throws Abyss against a trailer, and then into a guardrail. Abyss smashes Stevie’s head on a table, and tells Stevie to tell the rest of EV2.0 that what happened to RVD will happen to them. 

Rhino makes his way out to the ring and he tells Abyss if he is looking for someone to fight then he can come out to the ring right now. Abyss comes through the crowd with Janice and Rhino sets up for a Gore but Abyss hits him with the big boot. They start brawling through the crowd and Abyss throws him into the barricade and they start going up into the bleachers. They get to the Spanish broadast table and Rhino slams Abyss’ head on it then they make their way higher. Rhino goes for another Gore and hits it on a platform near the cameras. Rhino limps a bit when he gets up and then leaves Abyss laying on the platform.


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