TNA Impact Results (8/19) – Title Vacated, AJ/Dreamer

Sting makes his way out to the Impact Zone with Kevin Nash and Nash says they have had disagreements, but there is no one he respects more than Sting. Nash says he has been called a cancer and a lot of other things, but he isn’t out here just for the money, he is out there because he loves what he does. he won’t let anyone tell him his time is done, and if someone wants his spot they should try to come take it. He says they aren’t the cancer, because it is backstage, and Sting told him he is wasting his time, but Nash says he knows the truth.

Jeff Jarrett comes out and says he will tell the truth and he says Nash is full of it, and it has always been about Nash. He says Nash doesn’t care about anyone and that will never change, and he says they could talk about who Sting really is, but he has a locker room full of guys who are sick of their crap. Jarrett says they and the company are better off since Hogan came aboard, and in honor of them he is going to grab a chair and beat Sting and Nash with it. Hogan comes out and says Jarrett won’t do it by himself, and he will go end it with Jarrett himself. He tells Sting to drop the bat, and Sting throws it up the ramp, and they head to the ring to face off. When they finally get in the lights go off and when they come back on Fourtune is in the ring beating up all four of the other guys in the ring. Hogan and Jarrett are knocked out and Fourtune beats up Sting and Nash before they pose in the ring to boos from the crowd.

Matt Morgan vs "The Pope" D’Angelo Dinero

Pope punches Morgan and taunts him for being quicker, then kicks Morgan in the corner and hits the Outer Limitz Elbow. Morgan chokes Pope then hits a big clothesline and chokes Pope with his boot in the corner. Morgan hits the rapid elbows, and follows it with a big splash and a side slam. Pope kicks Morgan in the ribs and tries hitting a sunset flip off the top rope, but Morgan holds him and hits a chokebomb, then slaps Pope and tells him not to mess with him. Morgan uses the ropes to choke Pope then drives him into the ring apron, and sets up for the big boot on the ring post. Pope ducks and Morgan kicks the post, then Pope hits him with the DDE and rolls him back inside to make the cover. Morgan tries grabbing the ropes but Pope pulls his hand away and gets the win.

Winner – "The Pope" D’Angelo Dinero


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