TNA Impact Results (8/19) – Title Vacated, AJ/Dreamer

AJ Styles vs Tommy Dreamer

AJ talks a little smack before he kicks Dreamer in the leg, and tries again but gets punched in the jaw. AJ goes flying over the top rope to the floor and Dreamer hits a somersault dive off the apron onto AJ. Dreamer throws him into the guardrail and bodyslams him on the floor before rolling him back in the ring. Dreamer hits a running slam for a near fall then chops AJ in the corner and hits a fallaway pumphandle slam for another near fall.

AJ fights back and hits a jumping kick then hits Dreamer with right hands on the mat, and Dreamer is busted open. AJ jumps and drops a knee right on the open cut, then hits a dropkick and puts Dreamer in a rear chinlock. Dreamer tries to come back with a backdrop suplex but AJ comes right back with the Pele kick. AJ goes to the apron and goes for the springboard but Dreamer catches him with an atomic drop and hits a DDT, but struggles to make the pin.

Fourtune makes their way out to the ramp but EV2.0 cut them off from the side of the stage and they begin to brawl. While this has the ref’s attention, Abyss gets in the ring behind him and hits a Black Hole Slam on Dreamer. AJ makes the pin as Abyss leaves through the crowd and the ref counts to three as everyone continues to brawl on the ramp.

Winner – AJ Styles


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