WWE Raw Results – April 19th, 2010

A MacGruber video spot. Then MacGruber couldn’t figure out how to get out of the building. HHH came up and called MacGruber on it. HHH says MacGruber looks like he had an accident. MacGruber says he dumped water. HHH says it doesn’t smell like water. MacGruber says they’re not his pants. His friend peed his pants and he volunteered to wear them until they dried. HHH walked MacGruber trough that whole chain of thought. MacGruber says this is his friend. It’s Kane. HHH explains the whole peed pants thing to Kane. Kane wasn’t impressed. MacGruber runs off. Kane says he doesn’t think that’s the only thing he did in those pants!

King and Cole go through the matches slated for Extreme Rules.

Randy Orton on satelite feed. After Sunday night, the WHC will end up where ever Orton’s going to be.

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Slam Of The Week – Swagger had to put his title on the line in a Triple Threat Match on SD! Swagger somehow pulled out the win after stealing it from Edge.

Lillian, in a kick ass black dress with many draped silver chains, announces Jack Swagger. Swagger walks around the ring like he owns it. He tells Randy talk is cheap when you’re 3,000 miles away. If Orton was there he’d prove what he’d do to Orton this Sunday. Swagger called for a ref and issued an open challenge. He knows what they’re thinking, when someone issues an open challenge, a big monster comes out and destroys them, but they’re not him. Anyone who thinks they can go with the All American American, the WHC, come on out! Swagger stands there and waits. Finally he says that’s what he thought. As Swagger steps through the ropes – GONG. Before the lights go out we see Swagger close his eyes, realizing what he’d done. Taker comes stalking out in his new sleeveless leather coat, hood up. On the steps he raises the lights. Swagger looks on, eyes wide.

They dance around a bit before locking up. Side headlock on Taker! Taker pushes out but is dropped by a shoulder block! Side headlock on Swagger. Swagger is dropped with a shoulder block. Taker goes to work on Swagger’s left arm. Arm bars, pulls, leg drop on that arm for two. Taker up and hits old school on Swagger. Taker pulls Swagger up, but Swagger starts kicking Taker’s knee. Scoop slam to Taker for two. Swagger stomps Taker until he rolls out of the ring. Taker leans on the steps to regain himself and punches Swagger when he gets out there. Swagger reversed Taker into the steps. Swagger into the ring acting as it it’s done. Swagger out and rolls Taker back in. Swagger starts working Taker’s left leg. Taker sells the leg pain well. Swagger wraps Taker’s leg around a rope and wrenches it. Swagger again back on that leg. Punches to Taker’s head. Swagger grabs the front of Swagger’s tights and sends him flying from the ring. Outside Taker stomps Swagger. Swagger set up on the apron and Taker up and drops his leg in what Cole calls ‘vintage’! both back in the ring. Taker hit’s a nice snap suplex on Swagger for two. Dueling “Let’s go Swagger” possibly by one guy, and “Swagger sucks” chants.

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