TNA Impact Results – April 12th, 2010

When we come back, they show a replay of the fireball incident that just happened in the ring. Tenay says the network wouldn’t show the entire thing, but fans can see the uncensored footage on TNA’s website after Impact. Hardy is being shown taking to the back and having his face treated by medical personnel as Tenay is explaining all of this.

JB is in the back with Pope and is trying to get his thoughts on what is going on with his partner for tonight’s main event, Abyss. Pope is serious and says he has a job to do and he sends his prayers to Abyss. Jay Lethal walks in and calls JB "Mean Gene" and calls Pope "Slick". He says they’ll take care of business and walks off as Pope looks like he has no idea what just happened, so apparently Jay Lethal is going to take Abyss’s place.  

Impact Main Event

AJ Styles & Desmond Wolfe vs Pope D’Angelo Dinero & Jay Lethal

Lethal never makes it out to the ring and a camera crew in the back shows Lethal being beat up by Beer Money. Lethal tries fighting back but the numbers catch up to him. He fights off Roode and throws him into the interview set before Storm breaks a beer bottle over the face of Lethal. After this, AJ Styles makes his way down the ramp, followed by Flair and Chelsea. AJ says Pope’s partner has a "drinking problem" courtesy of Beer Money. AJ says it looks like this will be a handicap match and tells Desmond Wolfe to come out for the match. Before Wolfe makes it to the ring, Hulk Hogan hits him from behind with a chair and Pope goes after AJ and it looks like the match has been thrown out. 

Result: No Contest

Pope continues to attack AJ, and sends him headifrst into the ringpost and steps. AJ is trying to run away but Pope is all over him. He sends AJ into the ring and Pope holds him in a fireman’s carry but AJ rakes the eyes and gets out the situation. AJ attempts a Styles Clash but Peope fights back and sets up for a DDE. Flair gets out of the wheelchair and nails Pope in the back with the title belt and the ref rings the bell eventhough the match never started. Flair gets in the rign and kicks away at Pope along with AJ. Beer Money comes out and joins in, and Flair takes off his belt and whips Pope with it. AJ throws Pope out of the ring and poses with his belt. Flair looks furious as Hogan makes his way out to the top of the ramp. Flair is daring Hogan to come down and Hogan looks worried as he stares at the men in the ring.  


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