WWE RAW Results – April 5, 2010

 Video is shown promoting Otunga

Otunga is shown backstage talking himself up with his posse. He says he is RAW. He says he’s so RAW you might catch food poisoning sitting next to him. He points out his 427 all green bowl of M&Ms. Santino shows up and introduces himself. He says where is he? Where is the A-Team? He is dissapointed Mr. T isn’t here tonight! HornSwaggle is shown stealing the M&Ms! As he gets caught, he spits a bunch of them out of his mouth!

MizSho is shown walking out to the ring


 MizSho vs. John Cena and Batista
Unified Tag Team Championship

ShoMiz (MizSho what have you) is frist to the ring with their usual cocky strut. Both having huge smiles on their faces as they hold their belts up high. Cena’s music hits next with another large pop from the crowd. Cena runs into the ring and stares down the other two. They are both seen smirking back at Cena. Batista receives a pretty good reception from the crowd. His name is shown with a SmackDown logo next to it (incase there was a doubt as to his brand). Batista is staring Cena down the entire way. He stops before the ring and begins to pace back and forth, not getting onto the apron. Now he slowly climbs up the stairs as the bell sounds.

Lock up turns into a combination takedown by Cena who throws Miz into a sleeper lock. Miz quickly works his way out and a series of reversals result. Miz tags in Show who immediately starts attacking Cena with a series of headbutts. Show then whips Cena into the turn buckle. He now slaps Cena on the chest. Miz tags in Show  and Show looks confused as to why he was tagged out.

Miz tries to run at Cena in the turnbuckle but Cena moves out of the way! Cena goes to tag Batista and Batista drops down and walks away from the ring! Cena runs after him and attacks him from behind. Cena ultimately gets counted out and looks very upset.

Otunga comes out and says later tonight, MizShow will defend their titles again! And because Cena and Batista can’t get along, Cena’s new partner is… Otunga!!!!

Winner: MizShow (Count Out)



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