Sid Vicious On Where He Wants To Go: WWE Or TNA

Neal Jones sent along the following:

Sid Vicious Interview Recap 
By: Bob Colling from 
(TNA recaps starting from 6/19/2002 – 2/19/2003 so far!) 
Sid Vicious was the guest on In Your Head Wrestling Radio hosted by Jack E. Jones, Oneinchbiceps and Barbie Richards for full audio visit
Sid Vicious is back for his 5th appearance on IYH. Sid is doing well tonight and is glad to be on the show. 
A caller named Lord Humongous calls in and gets in a debate with Sid Vicious on who was the better Lord Humongous. Sid says he was the better wrestler and brings up a embarrassing lost the caller had against a smaller worker. Sid says that the caller is bigger than him. Sid also mentioned that they have been feuding for about six months now. Sid mentions that this is his son Gunnar. Sid talks about working towns with his son and Scott Hall for a few months. 
A caller asks whether if Sid will face his son. Sid says that he has fought him before but it wasn’t a all out match. Sid is going to put his old Lord Humongous on and take on the new Lord Humongous. Sid discusses a company in Van Dale and how it is a pretty good show. 
A caller named Dan asks if Sid has any advice for him as he is getting into wrestling in the summer. Sid tells Dan to try and get involved with someone who is going to teach him about the business. 
A caller named Jenny asks if Sid is planning on continuing to work on the smaller scene. Sid says that he picks his dates as he is looking to keep his time in the ring. Sid says that his passion is to work the bigger crowds. Sid is hoping to work on the local scene this summer as well. 
Jack asks Sid if he has changed his mind on going to TNA now that Hulk Hogan is in the company. Sid says that it is more appealing to him, but there are some things that he has heard that do not interest him. Sid mentions that WWE will be the number one place that he would want to go to. Sid talked to Johnny Ace and said that Johnny didn’t have anything going on for him. Sid hasn’t been keeping up the WWE product. 
Sid talks about Brock Lesnar and Bill Goldberg. Sid knows that Vince McMahon took one look at Goldberg and knew that their was money to be made. 
A caller asks if Sid still believes that women shouldn’t be in the ring. Sid stands by what he said and believes that women do not sell tickets to the shows. Sid does believe that there is a spot for the girls and mentions the Nitro Girls. Sid says they aren’t going to find a Sherri Martel or Moolah. “You go to a football game and see the cheerleaders, but you don’t want to see them play football”. 
Sid talks about a situation were a wrestler missed a show because of a cross dressing situation. Sid also says that the wrestler has a penis fetish and thus he has been kicked out as a leader for the group. 
Sid and Lord Humongous leave on that note. 
For full audio of the interview plus the rest of the show covering the news and views of the week please visit and live every Wednesday at 8:05 PM EST.