WWE Raw Results – March 8, 2010

 As we come back from the break, it appears as if Orton has the upper hand. Battling both men at the same time, eventually sending Ted over the top rope. The two on one aspect is now catching up with the Legend Killer as Ted takes out his knees outside the ring. Both men now fighting Orton outside, as you see Ted throw his hands up once the referee is looking. A huge "Randy" chant starts from the crowd as the tag is made and DiBiase is again the legal man.

DiBiase has a basic sleeper applied to Orton and is screaming at him to submit. Orton now fighting his way out and flies off the ropes, DiBiase follows him and hits him with a clothesline just as Randy turns around. Quick pin gets a two count and a quick tag is made. Dropkick from Rhodes followed by another two count. Rhodes with a series of punches, backs Orton up into the corner. Follows it up with a kick to the stomach. Now bringing Randy back to the corner where a tag is made. Momentarily, they doubleteam Randy in the corner. Quick tag made again. Followed by another immediate tag. Double team into the opposite corner. Misstep by Ted as Orton ducks out of the way and begins batteling back for the first time in quite some time. Orton hits his trademark backbreaker on DiBiase! Now stalking Ted in the center of the ring, pounding his fists into the ground.

Rhodes briefly interferes, just long enough to turn Orton around. DiBiase hits DreamStreak on Randy Orton and gets the 3 count!!! Legacy is celebrating a great deal in the center of the ring now. 

Winners: Legacy

After the match: Cody Rhodes hits CrossRoads on Orton. Orton lays lifeless on the ground as DiBiase shouts at him. "You like that Randy!!!" Is clearly audible. They then stand over the top of him and mock Orton’s outstretched arms pose together.

Cut Backstage to Batista watching the TV

Interview comes up: Asks Batista on his thoughts with interfering in tonight’s match of Cena and Vince. Batista gives his word as WWE champion that he will not get involved in his match tonight. He says to wish John good look if you run into him, seems like he could use the confidence. 

HHH is shown heading to the ring!!!!




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