WWE RAW Results – February 22, 2010

Diva Bull Riding Competition

Tonight’s guest hosts, Ty Murray and Jewel are introduced live in the arena. Jewel comes out on crutches with Ty Murray. Jewel says wrestling is a tough sport and so is bull riding, so she’s gonna bring some ladies into the mix. Murray says we’re gonna like this bull riding thing. The Divas are introduced. Jerry Lawler is off to the races with his jokes and commentary.

Eve Torres is on the mechanical bull first. She hangs on for the full ride. Kelly Kelly is out next. Kelly hangs on for the full ride. The Bella Twins come out now. Murray says they should ride double. Both girls get on the mechanical bull. They don’t sit face to face, however. They do hang on for the full ride. Show-Miz’s music hits and out comes the Unified Tag Team Champions.

The Miz: "really? A divas bull riding segment, really?" He asks what’s next – a yoddle competition? Jewel yodels. He explains that this show revolves around the Unified Tag Team Champions, not a bull riding competition. The Big Show says it’s not like bull riding is hard. Murray says he can’t do it. Big Show says he can. Big Show has trouble getting on the bull. Jewel says he can’t get it up. Big Show lasts on the bull for two seconds and is thrown off. Miz says it wasn’t fair. Big Show gets a second chance. The bull moves around and is taunting the Big Show. Big Show gets pissed. To the bull: "you think I’m afraid of you? You want a piece of me?!" The bull hits Big Show and knocks him down. Jewel says that was animal cruelty. Miz says this was another guest host failure, just like the Indianapolis Colts. Crowd boos.

They try and bail but Murray says they can’t. He and Jewel said they have to defend their Unified Tag Team Titles. They will face Mark Henry & MVP and that match is next.

Unified Tag-Team Titles:

-The Miz & Big Show (c) vs. MVP & Mark Henry

Big Show working over MVP early. He pushes him into a corner, unzips his ring attire and chops his bare chest repeatedly. He tags Miz in and Miz goes to work on MVP. Both guys make the tag and now Mark Henry and Big Show are battling things out, big-man style. The referee is distracted and Miz tries to interfere but Mark Henry hits him with the Worlds Strongest Slam. He turns around and Big Show hits him with the knockout punch. He pins him for the victory. Big Show and Miz retain the Unified Tag Team Championships.

Winners and STILL Unified Tag-Team Champions: Show-Miz

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