FCW Live Event Report. Plant City, FL 02/19/2010

Match 4: “The South Beach Boys” Darren Young & Percy Watson defeated David Otunga & Michael Tarver when Watson pinned Tarver
Match 5: Heath Slater pinned Titus O’Neill after interference from the returning G-Rilla.
After the match, G-Rilla powerslammed O’Neill, then sat down on a folding metal chair that was positioned across O’Neill’s neck. He then cut a promo letting the FCW Universe know that he is back. He was cleared from the ring by FCW officials and GM Norman Smiley, all whom assisted O’Neill to the back.
Match 6: FCW Diva Tag Team Match: Tiffany & Aksana defeated Liviana & Courtney Taylor when Tiffany pinned Liviana
Cliff Compton (formerly WWE Tag Title co-holder “Domino”) cut a hilarious open challenge to anyone in building, working each side of the ringside seats like an insult comic. The challenge was finally accepted by Bo Rotundo…
Match 7: Bo Rotundo pinned Cliff Compton
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