WWE Raw Results (2/1): Raw Elimination Chamber Match Set

In case you can’t remember November 1997, we have a Survivor Series video package.

Vince McMahon is walking in the back and Josh Mathews asks Vince if he saw Bret Hart tonight. Vince says that nobody has seen Bret Hart and it is likely that no one will see Bret Hart tonight.

Vince goes into his office and he turns around and he is surprised to see someone who barged into his office. He wants to know who that person is. He wants to know if Canadians have any manners. Vince tells him to say what he has to say and get it off his chest. We see that he is talking to William Shatner. Shatner tells Vince as only Shatner can (if he was doing a Kevin Pollak impression). Shatner says that as a Canadian and human being, he cannot wait for Bret Hart to embarrass Vince tonight.

We go to commercial.

Match Number Two: Jack Swagger versus Triple H with GameFountain in an Elimination Chamber Qualifying Match

Swagger with a waist lock take down and he rolls Hunter around the ring but Hunter gets to the ropes. Swagger acts like he accomplished something and then he does push ups. Hunter doesn’t like Swagger’s attitude and he punches Swagger. Hunter with the vintage Harley Race knee and then he clotheslines Swagger over the top rope to the floor.

We go to commercial.

We are back and Swagger with an Irish whip but he runs into a boot but Swagger with a wrap around DDT for a near fall. Swagger with an elbow drop and he gets a near fall. Swagger with an abdominal stretch but Hunter with a hip toss to escape the hold. Hunter throws Swagger over the top rope and if this was last night, he would have been eliminated. Hunter goes to the floor and Swagger sends Hunter into the apron. Swagger returns to the ring and Swagger hits a standing power slam for a near fall. Swagger with a reverse chin lock on Hunter. Swagger with a punch and then he does the double jump splash but he lands on Hunter’s knees. Hunter punches Swagger and Hunter with a face buster and a near fall. Hunter sends Swagger into the turnbuckles and he punches Swagger. Swagger runs at Hunter and Hunter with a spinebuster for a near fall. Hunter with a kick and it is almost pedigree time but Swagger with a back body drop. Swagger hits the double jump splash but he can only hit a two count. Swagger with a belly-to-belly suplex for a near fall. Swagger charges at Hunter and hits a running shoulder. Swagger gets Hunter up and he points at the sign but Hunter counters what Swagger was going to do and he hits the Pedigree for the three count.
Winner: Triple H


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