TNA Maximum Impact Results (1/30): Wembley Arena

AJ Styles beat Kurt Angle to retain the World Heavyweight Title.
– Kurt does not look well. I mean he performs to an amazing degree but he just looks so beaten down. He seems to be unable to raise his neck above a certain level and just has that look about him that shows he’s taken some punishment in his time. AJ lives up to his nickname of Phenomenal and the two put on one of the best one on one house show matches you could ever hope to see. Angle’s suplexes are immense.

– AJ used the Figure Four, did a flip dive to the outside, hit two Styles Clashes and an Angle Slam but couldn’t beat Kurt. Angle made his comeback and hit multiple German suplexes, the Angle Slam, locked in the Ankle Lock and a running super belly to belly suplex.

– Finish came when AJ hit a springboard attack on Angle and his legs hit Slick Johnson. He hit Angle with the title belt and Hebner ran in but Angle kicked out. AJ went up top but Angle ran up and hit a super Angle Slam. Hebner made a really slow count which let AJ kick out. Angle punched Hebner and locked in the Ankle Lock but then got a low blow by Styles. In a finish that didn’t seem safe for someone like Kurt but looked awesome, Styles hit a brainbuster on the belt and Slick recovered to count the three.

After the match Styles got in Angle’s face and laughed but got hit with a Styles Clash onto the belt. Angle celebrated and AJ left. Kurt then called Dixie to the ring, thanked her and the fans, said he loved her, gave her a kiss on the cheek and called the TNA roster to the ring for some beers. Of course only the faces (minus Wolfe) came out, but it was still cool seeing them all there in street clothes enjoying themselves.

Overall a really great show. I’ve now been to 2 Raws and a Smackdown house show and three TNA events and every single time TNA was more enjoyable. I got better seats at a lower price and saw a better show, what more could you want?

Funny Moment of the Night for me goes to Suicide taking a beer and looking puzzled. He managed to drink about half of it by getting it to soak through the mouth section of his mask but it was pretty funny seeing a masked wrestler trying to drink a beer.

Biggest Pops
1. A Table. Yes, an inanimate object got the biggest pop.
2. Kurt Angle
3. Beer Money
4. Samoa Joe
5. Everyone in Ultimate X

Biggest Heat
1. The Pope
2. Earl Hebner
3. AJ Styles (only when using heel tactics, he got face pops the rest of the time)
4. Eric Young
5. Brutus & Rob after their entrances.


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