WWE Raw Results – January 11th, 2010

We cut to the back with DX.  Hunter is asking Shawn whether he really wants to do this.  He says Bret Hart was one thing, but this is Mike Tyson.  Shawn says that tonight he wants to make peace with Tyson like he did with Bret Hart last week.  Hunter calls Tyson insane, certifiable, and the man that knocked Shawn out.  Shawn says that he thinks Mike is a changed man and he wants to prove it.


Shawn Michaels and Mike Tyson are in the back when we return.  Shawn tells Mike he wants to have the same closure tthat he had with Bret Hart last week.  He says that he forgives Mike for knocking him out in ’98.  Mike says that that’s all great, but there’s only one problem.  He doesn’t regret knocking Shawn out and in fact, he would love to do it again.  Jericho interupts saying that he and Tyson have something in common.  They are both deprived by "the man".  Apparently, Jericho and Tyson made a deal with DX tonight that if DX loses, Jericho has a free pass again to show up on any program he wants.  It will be DX vs Jericho and Tyson.  Shawn says he’s looking forward to it and Tyson says he is do.  Michaels walks out and Tyson calls DX "dumb fools". 

We then cut to a video recap of last week’s Raw and Bret’s appearance.


When we get back, Jack Swagger is in the ring saying that he’s going to win the Royal Rumble and go on to main event WrestleMania.  He says that the Rumble is made for someone like him.  He says that he’s willing to put his money where his mouth is too.  If anyone can come out there and throw him over the top rope, then please, please, please try.  Santino Marella’s music hits and he comes out.  He says that he was just going to do the same thing and issue the same challenge.  He says that the solution is for him to dropkick him like a bicycle without a kickstand.

Santino Marella vs Jack Swagger

Swagger gets the offense early as he runs Marella into a turnbuckle and does the second rope splash.  He then tries to throw Santino over the top rope, but Santino hangs on to the rope and drags Swagger over. 

WINNER: Santino Marella

The triple threat match for the number one contendership is next.