WWE Raw Results – January 11th, 2010

We cut to the back where Josh Matthews is in the back with Mike Tyson.  Before Tyson can talk, Hornswoggle comes in with his DX gear and throws some crotch chops.  Tyson gets on a knee and tells Hornswoggle he’s going to tear his intestines out and his brain.  They are really putting over the "crazy" side of Tyson allowing him to say those things.  Hornswoggle walks off scared and we take a break.


We’re back and The Miz is in the back next to the locker room door.  He says that when he first came to the WWE, no one liked or respected him including the superstars.  He says he was banned from the WWE locker room for six month.  He says that everyone ridiculed him.  They all wanted him to quit, but instead, he used that to fuel his fire.  He said now, he doesn’t even go into that locker room.  He has his own private one.  The other area is for people like Evan Bourne and MVP.  The same MVP who is the number one contender for his United States Championship.  He makes his way to the ring as he tells MVP he will be publicly humiliated by him.  He says that if it was up to him, MVP would still be in jail.  He compliments himself and insults MVP a little more before he says his catchphrase and his music hits.  It gets cut off though by MVP’s music as he makies his way out to the entrance ramp.

MVP says that the WWE Universe knows about his past.  He’s never ducked from it.  He’s embraced it because he doesn’t want people to make the same mistakes he did.  He says that he earned everything he’s got – something that Miz hasn’t done.  MVP gets in the ring and tells Miz to stand there and suck.  MVP takes off his jacket, his tie, and his dress shirt.  MVP says that Miz is a monkey flinging "poo".  Miz suggests that he flings some of it and make it hit MVP’s lips so he can taste what’s coming out of his mouth.  MVP dares him too.  He then starts talking about his past in jail saying that he lived like an animal with other animals and he survived it.  He then dares Miz again.  They come face to face before Miz starts backing away.  He then jumps at MVP, but MVP sees it coming.  They go back and forth until MVP kicks Miz out of the ring.  MVP holds up the United States Championship with Miz on the outside as we cut to last year’s Hall of Fame ceremony. 

Tickets go on sale this Saturday for this year’s Hall of Fame ceremony.