WWE Raw Results – January 4th, 2010

MVP vs Jack Swagger vs Mark Henry vs Carlito

We’re back from break and the match is underway.  Mark Henry is on the outside.  Swagger and Carlito are going at it.  Swagger hits a slam, tries for a cover, but MVP breaks it up.  Swagger then turns his attention to MVP and goes for a cover.  Carlito breaks it up.  Swagger  swings Carlito to the corner and swings MVP into him.  He charges them both, but MVP moves and he hits Carlito instead.  Henry then comes in and slams Swagger.  He throws MVP over the top rope to the outside.  He then goes after Swagger and Carlito taking them both out.  He picks up Carlito and uses him to kick Swagger and then follows it up with a bearhug on Carlito until Swagger breaks it up.  Not for long though as Henry takes Swagger up to his shoulders.  Carlito then comes and breaks it up and MVP follows with kicking Henry out of the ring.  He hits his finisher on Swagger and gets the pin.


We cut to the back where Jericho and Big Show are talking.  Big Show tells him how important it is that they win tonight so Jericho won’t have to leave Raw.  Jericho says he has a plan that Bret Hart can’t pass up and he heads to talk to him.


We’re back and Jericho meets up with Bret backstage.  Jericho talks about their history and says that he saw his lovefest that he had earlier with HBK.  He says that he knows deep down Bret despises Shawn and he has an idea.  He wants Bret to be the special guest referee in their match with DX.  In fact, he can screw Shawn just like Shawn did him.  Bret says that everything he said out there was real and he doesn’t want to be like Chris…a hypocrite.  He tells Jericho that if he wants to stay on Raw, he has to win the match all by himself.

We then cut to Hornswoggle and he’s met by Hunter.  They promote some new WWE action figures.  Shawn comes in and asks Hunter why he talks to Hornswoggle like a child…he’s got a beard says Shawn.  Hunter says that while Shawn was out there with Bret, he was back here focusing on their match.  Santino comes in dressed like Jericho and starts mocking him about conspiracies.  He then tells Hornswoggle to attack and he jumps on Santino.  Hunter tells Shawn that tonight isn’t about Bret or Undertaker…it’s about JeriShow and the tag team titles.  He then calls for Hornswoggle like a dog and gives him a cookie when he comes.  They walk off and we see a beaten Santino.

Next is the Tag Team Championship match.