An Important Voice of Wrestling Radio Show Announcement

Due to an issue with Chris Cash’s computer, which was causing the show to crash several times in recent weeks, The Voice of Wrestling Radio Show will be postponed until Chris is able to fix the problem. We are hoping to have it resolved within the next 2 weeks, so hopefully we will not have to miss more than 2 maybe 3 shows.

In the meantime, however, Chris and I will be recording separate audio pieces that we will post up during the time that we are down so be on the look out for those.

Additionally, I will be making a special appearance on the "Right After Wrestling" Radio Show which air on Sirius Radio tonight at 11pm. My segment will be airing at 11:15 so be sure to check that out! CLICK HERE for all the information regarding "R.A.W."

Thank you for all of your continued support of the website, VOW and thank you for you patience.

We apologize for this inconvenience,

-Nick Paglino


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