It’s time for another weekly "Top Ten" list that is solely contrived by you, the WrestleZone visitors. This week’s list will be made up to see what you think are the top ten moments in the WWE vs. WCW "Monday Night Wars" history. Submit anything from Hulk Hogan turning heel and forming the nWo, to the evolution of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin in WWE, to the Montreal Screwjob with Bret Hart! Any of the top ten moments that come to mind, send them in to form our newest "Reader Top Ten" list — the "WWE vs. WCW Monday Night Wars" edition!
Your list can be calculated with any formula you’d like. When you do submit your top ten lists, please put a few lines with your choices explaining why they should be in the list. We will try to use some of them in the list when it’s posted tomorrow.
You can submit your lists to [email protected].
Remember, the more submissions the easier to calculate!