TNA Turning Point Results – November 15, 2009

…continued from page two

TNA Tag-Team Titles:
-British Invasion vs. Beer Money vs. Motor City Machine Guns

Rob Terry doesn’t come out with British Invasion. All three teams brawl to open the match. A loud "U.S.A." chant breaks out from the crowd early. A few minutes later, Beer Money is hitting some of their signature moves. Crowd isn’t into this match as much as these guys would like. Eric Young interferes at one point, which prompts Kevin Nash to run out and take the TNA Legends title from Young. Storm grabs Young on the ramp but Nash blasts Storm with the Legends title. Finish came after a few more cluster-fuck scrambles with Magnus eventually pinning Roode to win the match for his team.

Winners: British Invasion

Jeremy Borash Interviews Kevin Nash

Borash asks Nash why he just did what he did. Nash said he did it for Hulk. He said Hulk was in on it and he’d explain it more on Thursday if Hulk lets him.

Continued on page four …


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