WWE Raw Results – October 26th, 2009

WWE RAW Results - October 26, 2009WWE RAW Results
October 26, 2009
Report By: Chris Cash for WrestleZone.com

WWE RAW Opener:

We open with a recap video of the "Bragging Rights" pay per view last night.

Chris Jericho and Big Show (JeriShow) open tonight’s show as they hit the ring with the trophy Jericho’s Team Smackdown won last night due to Big Show turning on the Raw group.  Show starts by saying that despite what he did last night, he’s still a proud member of the Raw roster.  Jericho interupts him by saying he doesn’t have to explain.  Jericho says that Show did what he did because he’s a man of loyalty to him and that supersedes his loyalty to Raw.  Big Show says there’s something he needs to tell him, but Jericho says there’s something also he needs to say.  He thanks Big Show for stopping D-X and punching Triple H.  He gives him kudos. 

Big Show continues by saying "thanks", but he should really let him talk because he needs to tell him something.  Jericho interupts him again and says that he knows what he’s going to say.  It’s that Smackdown would have won regardless because Jericho was the captain.  However, Show says that what he did at the ppv was for himself.  He talked with Theodore Long and cut a deal for him to be the next opponent for Undertaker’s title.  He and Jericho start arguing and they are cut off by a picture on the big screen of Raw’s guest hosts tonight, Nascar’s Kyle Bush and Joey Logano, who are doing donuts in the parking lot.  They then enter the arena in their race cars.  They come and enter the ring.

Kyle gets on the microphone and says that’s how you make an entrance and says they’re happy to be here.  He then directs Big Show and says that what he did last night wasn’t approved by the fans.  He says he’s with him though because he’s a man’s man and things happen for a reason.  He congratulates him and shakes his hand.  Logano says that he’s not going to shake his hand though because what he did is weak.  Show tells Busch that he needs to tell his friend to learn some respect.  Busch agrees and calls his friend "young and dumb" and doesn’t know anything about championships.  He then insults the Buffalo crowd by saying that they haven’t made it to the Playoff’s since Hulkamania (NFL).

Logano gets back on the mic and makes a match between Big Show and Triple H.  Jericho tells him good luck and asks the hosts if they’ve ever seen anything like the trophy he’s holding.  He then suggests that they go to the back so he can tell him how he single-handedly won it.  Busch tells him to hold on because Joey isn’t the only one who can make matches.  He says Jericho will be facing Kofi "Johnson"…although he quickly corrects himself and says Kingston…then repeats the name a couple of times to make sure we all know that he did in fact know his name.

Kofi’s music hits and that match is next.



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