WWE Raw Results – October 19th, 2009

Lou Albano tribute plays during the commercial break.  We then get a sneak peak of Snoop Dogg’s "Gangsta Luv" song.

We’re back with Snoop Dogg and the ladies in the back.  Hornswoggle then comes in, but is followed by Chavo.  He puts over to Snoop Dogg how he’s a Guerrero and he deserves some love.  Jillian then comes in and says she demands a Diva title rematch tonight.  She then starts "singing" Gin and Juice.  Santino then comes dressed like Charlie Brown and acting "gangsta" until Snoop Dogg finally kicks them all out. 

I’m now getting a message that Raw is experiencing technical difficulties.

We’re back and Lawler and Cole promote the Jericho/Michaels match for later tonight.  John Cena is shown in the back and his match with Triple H is next.

John Cena vs Triple H

Cena’s out first, followed by Triple H.  Prior to Triple H coming out, a "Cena" chant breaks out and he smiles an appreciative smile as this could be his last night on Raw (at least that’s the way the announcers put it over).  Bell sounds, they lock up and go to the mat with a lot of takes downs and reversals.  Cena takes Hunter up onto his shoulders early, but Triple H quickly jumps off and takes a breather.  A headlock take down by Cena.  Triple H gets up, irish whip and Cena its a shoulder block followed by a hip top and a two-count.  The ref backs Cena up so Hunter can get up.

They tie back up, lock hands and do a test of power with Cena getting the leverage until Triple H hits him with a knee.  He then runs Cena into one of the turnbuckle corners.  Cena throws a combination of punches and then charges Hunter, but is hit by a clothesline.  Hunter goes for a cover, but Cena kicks out.  Hunter whips Cena into the corner hard and Cena goes down.  Large "Cena" chant breaking out.  Another hard throw and Cena goes crashing back-first into the other corner.  Two count, followed by a third irish whip into the corner.  Hunter attempts a pedigree, but Cena reverses and launches Hunter to the corner flipping him over it and we take a break.