WWE Raw Results – October 19th, 2009

We’re back and Hunter has the advantage.  He hits a back-breaker on Cena, goes for a pin, but gets another two count.  Hunter starts working over Cena’s back with some knees and ramming him into the corner repeatedly.  Cena starts trying to come back and they trade punches in the middle of the ring.  Cena finally gets the upperhand with the punches and goes off the ropes, ducks a clothesline and hits a shoulder block.  He goes back off the ropes for another shoulder block but Triple H ducks and Cena lands hard on the mat.  When Cena quickly tries to take Hunter back up on his shoulders, Hunter jumps off and goes back to the knee.  Cena suckers him in and while Hunter approaches him, Cena takes him down and tries to get his STF submission on him, but Triple H gets to the ropes.

Cena starts getting some offense in hitting a fisherman suplex, but Triple H reverses a bulldog.  Triple H goes for a pedigree, but Cena reverses into the STF and locks it on.  Triple H claws his way to the bottom rope, but before he can reach it, Cena drags him back to the middle of the ring.  Triple H gets to the bottom rope, gets up and hits the Pedigree.  He goes for the cover, but Cena gets his foot up on the rope. 


We’re back and Hunter again has the advantage.  They show a replay from the break and Hunter threw Cena into the ring steps on the outside.  Hunter counters another Attitude Adjustement attempt and locks a Figure Four on him.  It shows Orton in the back watching the match as Cena reaches the ropes and breaks the hold.  A couple of shoulder blocks from Cena, another slam, and the Five Knuckle Shuffle.  He measures, takes Hunter up on his shoulders again, but Hunter counters and hits a couple of knees.  A clothesline and a big spinebuster.  Hunter then hits another pedigree, goes for the pin, but Cena kicks out!  He tries for another one, but Cena takes him up and hits the Attitude Adjustment, but Hunter kicks out of that!  Real good match up this point.

Cena goes to the top rope with Michael Cole putting over how rarely he does it.  He tries a leg drop, but Hunter gets out of the way.  He goes for another Pedigree, Cena counters into an Attitude Adjustment attempt, Hunter counters into a third Pedigree and finally gets the three count.

WINNER: Triple H

After the match, Cena slowly rises while Triple H rests on the corner.  Hunter goes off and in a sign of respect, he helps Cena up and shakes his hand.  Big ovation from the crowd for that.  Triple H exits and Cena stays in the ring.  Hunter’s music stops and we hear a vague "Cena" chant as Orton is shown watching again from the back.  Cena salutes the crowd and disappointed, he leaves the ring.  He throws his arms up when he reaches the top of the entrance ramp.




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