WWE Raw Results – October 19th, 2009

Miz vs Some Jobber/Nope…Marty Jannetty

Before the ref could announce the jobber’s name, Snoop Dogg comes on and says that Marty Jannetty is his opponent tonight due to what Miz said about him on Smackdown this past week.  Bell sounds and we’re underway…

Miz backs Jannetty into the corner and pushes him before being slapped by Jannetty.  Jannetty goes for a quick roll-up, but gets a two count.  Jannetty’s offense doesn’t last long before Miz hits a "brutal" clothesline.  He then locks in a sleeper.  Lots of "Marty" chants by the crowed.  Marty comes to his feet and delivers a suplex.  A high elbow followed by a clothesline and then a back body slam.  Marty goes to the top rope and delivers a fist.  Two count.  Attempted bodyslam, but Miz reverses.  A back and forth exchange between the two before Miz hits the Skull Crushing Finale and gets the win.

Winner: The Miz

We see Chavo Guerrero talking with Jillian in the back, but can’t hear what they’re saying, as we go to break.  The Diva’s Championship match between Jillian and Melina (won the title last week) is next.


DIVA’S CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Melina (c) vs Jillian

Bell sounds and as soon it does, Chavo (who’s on the outside) jumps on and distracts the ref so Jillian can get the early advantage.  She throws Melina into the corner, tries to charge her, but Melina counters.  Chavo gets back up on the apron, but Hornswoggle comes out of nowhere and pulls him off the apron.  Melina hits her finisher and gets the quick victory.

WINNER: Melina

After the match, Chavo catches Hornswoggle in the ring but Snoop Dogg runs out.  Chavo pushes Hornswoggle down and pushes Snoop a few times.  Hornswoggle gets on all fours behind Chavo and Snoop Dogg hits a clothesline.  Chavo takes off his shirt and him and Snoop Dogg circle.  Chavo charges with a clothesline, Snoop ducks, and lands a big spear.  Chavo leaves and Snoop Dogg, Hornswoggle, and a host of divas (Bella’s, Gail Kim, Kelly Kelly, and Eve I believe is all of them) come out and they all dance together.