Today’s Tweets: WWE Stars Chat w/ Each Other About Trades

Welcome to "Today’s Tweets," a new daily feature here on In the following space we’ll take a look at all the official "tweets" from WWE and TNA stars on their official Twitter accounts for a given day. The following "tweets" are from today, October 13, 2009.


Savannah: Had my first match tonight against Katie Lea!!! Thank you for ur support pikeville,ky!! My first victory! Yay! What a rush..! 🙂

Savannah: @Hurricane Helms cuz I said what a rush!!??

Hurricane Helms: @Savannah Road Warrior Hawk would be proud. U do know who that is right? 🙂

Hurricane Helms: Apparently we’re staying at The Overlook Hotel. If the Bella’s show up I’ll freak out!!

Hurricane Helms: This is how twins make me feel. 🙂

Hurricane Helms: Aint I though? 🙂 RT @LuxuriousLynne: @Hurricane Helms cute

How did last night’s trades effect personal friendships within WWE? Find out on page two!