Top Five Reasons To Watch WWE SummerSlam Tonight

NUMBER THREE: DX Is Back!……again

I’m all for nostalgia in wrestling.  Degeneration X

It can be fun, exciting, and remind you of some great moments of the past that are part of the reason you’re a wrestling fan today.  However, when the nostaligic act was already a nostalgic act more than three times in the past two years, it tends to start losing the effect that a nostalgic act is supposed to carry.

Since DX’s glory days: 

The group was brought back in 1999 without HBK. Upon Michael’s return to the company in 2002, they teased the return of DX for a night, but Hunter turned on Shawn that same night.  Mid-2006, the two officially reunited for a lengthy run until Hunter got legitimately injured.  Since January of 2008, this marks the fourth time the duo have teamed up under the Degeneration X moniker. 

That’s a little much.  

With all of that said, I want to see where they go with it this time.  Raw needs stars and Hunter and Shawn need to help with creating them.  There’s a lot of speculation that this could be leading to another HBK/Triple H feud, or at least one more match between the two.  Rumors are flying about WrestleMania 26 being Shawn’s retirement match.  If that’s the case, there is still plenty of time for these two to elevate others on the roster.

That’s probably not the case, but it should be.