More Notes On TNA Stars & WWE Legends At Comic-Con

Mark Terry sent along the following:

Every year I go down to Comic Con on the industry all access pass because I work on movies or whatever.  I am able to get back stage and see some of the celebs and so on.

I did see a few people walking around down there but the ironic thing is none of it was behind the scenes.  They were all out in the Vendors area walking around.  I saw Honky Tonk Man and Virgil walking around together.  Honky was dressed in his full outfit.  I have seen Virgil there at the convention last year and told he was a regular.

About 5 minutes later I walked by the Motor City Machine Guns right smack in the middle of the room.  I chanted TNA at them and they gave me a whats up.  Thought it was interesting that I am 6’1 maybe a little taller with shoes and Saben and Shelly’s top of their head came to about my shoulder.  I had no idea that they were that short.


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