Update On Our Favorite “Shady” W.V. Promoter, He’s Back

A while back here at WrestleZone I wrote a series of articles about “shady” or “deadbeat” promoters, guys who owed wrestlers money, and refuse to “man up” and settle the debts. 


Instead these guys always have someone else to blame for their unprofessional behavior.


One of our favorite "deadbeat" promoters is “Shady” Dennis Richardson, who I reported on, as did at least one West Virginia newspaper.   Short story recap is…..he owes folk money.   Convenient to our ongoing coverage of him, he calls himself shady. 


After my articles ran Richardson “retired” for the second time, still not having made good on his debts.


Well he’s back. 


On the next page is a recent blog he posted on his myspace site. 


He even mentions me in it which is nice, although he spelled my name wrong.  Admittedly, it’s a tough name to spell so no big deal.  No harm, no foul there.


He says I “bad mouth him”.  I like to call it telling the truth.


He is correct I booked talent with him, and it was always a unique challenge to get deposits from him, to get him to pay for flights booked, etc., and and he usually did stuff last minute or he would just cancel the booking blaming someone else for it.   I stopped booking folk with him.  I believe that remain true still as it relates to TNA talent, as Bob Ryder had the same experiences with “Shady” I did.   When I was TNA’s Bookings Director, Bob was the guy who booked the flights for promoters.


Richardson asks for forgiveness.  He does not say he will pay the money he owes, rather those owed are asked to forgive him.  Good stuff, but likely the forgiving should be left to a higher power and another day.  In this world likely paying folk what you owe them will “set you free” best.


“Shady” writes:



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