Second Batch of Monday Night Raw WZ Reader Feedback


The following is from Nick ( A lot of "Nick’s" are writing in this time around. Keep it coming! Strong Nick presence is key!)

I have to say that the Kofi Kingston vs. MVP US Title match was the best match of the night. Both competitors know how to entertain the crowd and they did just that. Why doesn’t WWE put more matches like this on TV?


The following is from Abe

Hello Wrestlezone this is my first time emailing you guys. Well I got to say Raw was pretty good comparing it to recent weeks. The Beginning was good with Orton in the ring to begin it. The women’s matches on raw have just become pointless. Santino’s character has become kind old dried out as well as Santina and yet sometimes he still finds a way to make people laugh(Regal Face after the Slop hit him).Primo and Carlito are a very good tag team but let’s be honest where are they going with it. The John Cena tag match was good a lot of heat on Miz he’s been doing a great job. Big Show get’s heat but face it he’s not awesome LOL  yeah I like Miz he’s come along way. Then the match of the night. Kofi vs. MVP you know those guys really put a show on even though Kofi carried the match I’m glad they made him the champ .I guess with Kennedy out now MVP is going to be the number one contender hence the lost of the belt. Then the end of the show was great as Michael Cole would say vintage Randy Orton man that boy looked sadistic last night.P.S. Flair don’t got it anymore he needs to stay retired……Interesting would be Ricky the Dragon Steamboat Vs. Flair but it would never happen. All in All I give Raw 7.5/10 ……………Smackdown is the better show right now.


The following is from Billy

Dark match

Sheamus defeated Festus 

Sheamus out first, typical Irish looking fellow who spoke about being a true Irishman and not one that does silly little dances in the ring or bring snot nose little kids in the ring.  Good heat on him.  Festus out to a nice pop as the first recognizable face.  Decent match, Sheamus over cleanly with very neat looking finisher.  This guy could get over if used correctly. 

The road crew made a mistake before the Superstars opening/pyro, the ECW announce crew came out then the crew set up the pyro on the stage.  After a few minutes they came running back up there and yanked all of it out of the way a few seconds before Christain’s entrance.  They then had to set it back up for the Superstars opening. 

The other pre-Raw stuff is covered in your Superstars spoilers. 

Sign of the night contest during one of the commercials.  Some very funny ones that I remember.

“Vicky gave me the Swine flu”

Mickie James, stop calling me!!”

“Kelly Kelly please go out with me, my wife says it’s okay”

“Big Show ate my brother”

Miss Piggie picture with the phrase “EXCUSE ME” under it.

Some idiot could not spell “FURY” so he had a sign that said “UNLEASH THE FURRY”, hilarious. 

During the segment where King and Cole ran down the Extreme Rules card the road crew had already lowered the cage, it was only a few feet above their heads. 

After Raw another Superstars match was taped that was not included in your spoilers. 

JR and Grisham come out. 

Chris Jericho and Dolph Ziggler vs. Jeff Hardy and R-Truth 

Jericho out first with a promo, usual stuff.  This was the match of the night, very highflying.  Finish saw Hardy hit the twist of fate and swanton on Ziggler for the pin. 

Dark Match main event 

Randy Orton and Big Show vs. John Cena and Batisa 

Orton out first followed by Show, Batista’s music hit and he stormed the arena then chased Orton out through the crowd.  Cena’s music hit and he came out with all his usual stuff.  Show got on the mic and said “I guess Dave and Randy have their own issues”.  He told Cena he was going to hurt him this Sunday but if he chose to have a match now that he would hurt him now.  Show tried to discourage Cena from having the match.  Cena took his shirt off and motioned at Show to come on, Show says “your funeral”.  Bell sounds and we are underway.  Typical match you would expect out of these two.  Cena wins with the 5 knuckle shuffled followed up by and FU, what an awesome feat that is.  Cena hits the four corners, poses up the ramp, end of show.


The following is from Josh G

I wanted to pass along my thoughts on the Monday Night Raw for Birmingham, AL last night.  I was in attendance, forth row with my nine year old brother who had a blast at his first live event.  First off let me say that it was the best crowd in Birmingham in a long time.  The arena was full!!!  I would have to say that the MVP/Kofi match was slow pace and the crowd had a hard time getting into this match.  John Cena had the loudest pop of the night which is not much of a surprise.  Jeff Hardy had the second largest pop of the night during the superstar taping’s.  Oh also Santina got real loose when he threw the pig stuff at Regal and Matt Hardy.  It hit fans in the first two rows all the way around the ring along with the announce team.  During the commercial break there must have been 20 crew members trying to get everything cleaned up.  So Kelley Kelley in those pink pants was something great to look at last night.  Glad she was in the corner near my seats.  Finally the Miz, love him or hate him does some outstanding work on the mic.  He works the crowd.  We did have one dark match after Raw went off the air which was suppose to be a tag contest but saw Batista chasing Randy through the crowd so it was just John Cena F-U on Big Show or the win.  Overall leading into a PPV I would give Raw about a 7!!!


The following is from Jarred

The 6/1 edition of Raw was MUCH better than the past few weeks, (even months).  While there are still improvements to be made, I think if WWE continues to build off the quality program from Monday’s edition it will be a much needed turnaround in a positive direction.  

I think MVP continues to play a strong role on the Raw brand, and they need to continue to build TV time around him and the US title, actually give some credibility to other titles aside from the WWE title.  

The Flair/Orton segment to close out the show was great!  I think an HBK return will give a ratings boost, which is well needed…

Lastly, Raw needs to consider more Steel Cage & Ladder matches to help shake things up. 



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