WWE RAW Results – May 18, 2009

WWE RAW Results - May 18, 2009WWE RAW Results — PAGE FIVE

May 18, 2009

By: Matt Boone for WrestleZone.com

–Jim Ross is in the announce table to fill in for the now "injured" Jerry Lawler. Jim Ross calls what he did to Lawler inexcusable as video replays are shown of the previous segment with Big Show and Lawler.

United States Title:

-MVP (c) vs. Matt Hardy

Matt Hardy’s music hits and out he comes still wearing the cast. MVP’s music hits and out comes the champion to defend his title. Clips are shown of Matt Hardy costing his brother Jeff the title, hitting him with the cast at Judgment Day. Cole asks if it’s a coincidence that Matt helped Vickie Guerrero’s husband Edge retain his title at Judgment Day and now he has a United States title match one day later. Jim Ross agrees with that theory. Bell rings and the match is underway. MVP gets the early advantage after some kicks to the mid-section. MVP backs Hardy into a corner and is roughing him up with a flurry of punches. MVP suplexes Hardy and follows-through for the pin attempt but only gets two. Matt Hardy with a reversal and hits a neck-breaker on MVP. Hardy works on taking the turnbuckle padding off the top turnbuckle. Matt Hardy hits MVP in the knee with the cast and tries to pin him but only gets two. Hardy continues to focus his attack on MVP’s knee. One submission hold after the other on MVP’s legs, followed by whipping his leg into the ring post. Pinfall attempt from Hardy only gets two. Hardy stomping away at MVP’s knee. MVP with a crazy reversal into a slam on Hardy. MVP with a slide-slam on Hardy for a two-count. MVP hits the "Ballin’" move for a two-count. Hardy throws MVP to the floor. He follows him out to the floor and attacks MVP’s knee some more. MVP fights back, slamming Hardy’s broken hand on a table. Hardy runs back into the ring. MVP follows him in and punches away. MVP with a running boot to the face on Hardy in the corner. MVP hits the "Playmaker" and gets the 3-count and victory.

Winner and STILL United States champion: MVP

-Cole and Jim Ross plug Santina vs. Vickie Gurrero, which is up next after the commercial break. Cole ribs JR about liking Santina again a little bit as we go to commercial.

-A replay is shown from earlier in RAW of the opening segment with John Cena, Batista and Ric Flair fighting Randy Orton and Legacy.

Backstage: Ric Flair & Batista Conflict

Backstage Ric Flair is shown smiling in the locker room. Batista asks him why he’s so happy. Flair says just because he’s retired doesn’t mean he can’t fight. Flair says Orton sucker-punched him. Batista says you’re retired. Flair says he didn’t voluntarily retire, WWE retired him. He says he got sucker-punched and asked Batista to understand. He says if you lost confidence in me than I’m not gonna be by your side as he walks away.

Backstage: Santina Mocks Vickie Guerrero

Backstage in a seperate room we see Chavo laying down and Vickie Guerrero on top of the couch. Chavo is explaining to her how to do a frogsplash. Vickie calls the match off. Santina comes in and mocks Vickie and she says the match is back on. Santina makes some pig-noises and walks off. Chavo tells Vickie to trust him, everything is going to work out.

You can see the new WWE Diva who worked as Britney Spears’ official body-double, check out these photos. The gallery will open in a new window, as to not disturb your play-by-play.

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