Audio: Nick’s WM25 Review & A VOW Announcement!

Audio: Nick's WM25 Review & A VOW Announcement!Audio: Nick's WM25 Review & A VOW Announcement!Audio: Nick's WM25 Review & A VOW Announcement!Audio: Nick's WM25 Review & A VOW Announcement!Audio: Nick's WM25 Review & A VOW Announcement!Audio: Nick's WM25 Review & A VOW Announcement!Click Here for an exclusive audio download as Nick “The Man of 1,000 Names” presents his WM25 Pay-Per-Review & makes an important Voice of Wrestling Announcement!

Nick "The Man of 1,000 Names" has archived his official Pay-Per-Review of last night’s WWE Wrestlemania 25 event and it is now available to you as a free download!

To Download the review, CLICK HERE. (Right Click/Save As)

To Stream the review, enter the following URL into your favorite media player:

Also, Nick makes the following important announcement concerning this week’s Voice of Wrestling broadcast: Because Chris Cash is live at Raw tonight, the show will NOT be broadcast in its usual 7:30pm-8:30pm time slot tonight, but will instead air LIVE this Wednesday night, April 8th, from 5pm-6pm EST right here at

Also, this Wednesday’s edition of The Voice of Wrestling will feature the return of PLAN B with former WWE Announcer Kevin Kelly!

As always, Chris and Nick will run down the latest news and notes in the world of pro wrestling, including all of the fallout from Raw tonight, plus we will take your LIVE phone calls!

If  you cannot listen to the show live this Wednesday night, we will of course be posting the archived version of the broadcast immediately after it airs!

As well, feel free to email Nick with your questions or comments concerning The Voice of Wrestling or in general at

Be sure to check out WZ’s exclusive backstage Wrestlemania 25 video footage by CLICKING HERE!