Piper, Lawler, Hart and DiBiase all Comment on WM25 Last Night

The following quotes are from a Sports Illustrated article covering Wrestlemania 25 last night. You can read the full article at this link.

Roddy Piper on this year’s show: "This WrestleMania XXV is really important because this is the last one for me. It’s so big. I’m going to give you my heart no matter how I feel, I’m going to give everything I got, I don’t care if I get hurt. This one is worth it."

Ted DiBiase on his son Ted DiBiase Jr: "I’m so proud of my son now but I tell all these guys, you think it’s cool to wrestle at WrestleMania, try wrestling three times at your first WrestleMania like I did in that tournament in Atlantic City. But now when I watch my son its almost like I’m reliving my career. My kid has an awful lot of my mannerisms. It’s pretty cool."

Jerry Lawler on being promised a match at this year’s WM: "Two years ago I had a meeting with Vince [McMahon] and it was close to WrestleMania and I said, ‘Vince, I’ve been here since 1993 and I’ve never even wrestled on a WrestleMania,’ and he looked at me surprised and said, ‘That’s a travesty.’ He said, ‘We could rush something this year, but this is something big, the King having his first match ever at WrestleMania. Next year I promise we’re going to do something big. Well, that was two years ago."

Jimmy Hart on what happened last night with Jericho and Rourke: "That’s it? That’s like going to a movie and it breaks at the end."