WWE Attempting to Lure Wrestlers Away From a Booker T Event

Source: PWInsider.com

Former WWE star and current TNA wrestler Booker T is planning to run a major wrestling convention in conjunction with his Pro Wrestling Alliance school. The event is running in his hometown of Houston, TX and is also running on April 3rd, which is the same weekend as Wrestlemania 25. In what looks to be an attempt to lure talent away from Booker’s convention, WWE has contacted several names including Torrie Wilson, Tito Santana, Nick Bockwinkel, and Ron Simmons. These talents are now booked for WWE’s Wrestlemania Axxess weekend, and have subsequently pulled out of their scheduled appearances at Booker T’s show.

It is also being reported that Sid Vicious will not be attending Booker T’s convention, although we do not know at this time whether or not that has anything to do with WWE booking him for their events. It has been rumored for quite some time now that Sid has been in talks with WWE for well over a year, however WrestleZone’s Eric Stein has put that rumor to bed in his recent editorial stating that rumors of those talks were untrue.


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